- 發布日期:
- 最後更新日期:112-04-10
- 資料點閱次數:1521
中文 | 英譯 |
主任檢察官 | Chief Prosecutor |
人證 | Witnesses |
上訴 | Appeal |
公訴 | Public prosecution |
分則 | Specific offenses |
文書 | Documents |
未遂犯 | Attempt |
共犯 | Joint offenders |
再審 | Retrial |
刑 | Punishment |
刑事責任 | Criminal responsibility |
刑事報到 | The criminal registry |
言詞申告 | Oral Accusations |
刑事訴訟法 | The code of criminal procedure |
刑事訟訴法施行法 | Enforcement law of the code of criminal procedure |
刑法 | Criminal code |
刑法施行法 | Enforcement law of the criminal code |
自訴 | Private prosecution |
抗告 | Interlocutory appeal |
具保 | Bail bond |
拘留室 | Detention Room |
法例 | Application of the code |
法定代理人 | Legal Representative |
法院管轄 | Jurisdiction of courts |
法院職員之迴避 | Disqualification of court officers |
法警 | Bailiff |
法醫師 | Forensic Medical Examiner |
非常上訴 | Extraordinary appeal |
保安處分 | Rehabilitative measures |
指認牆 | Witness Identifying Wall |
重大犯罪被害人申訴處 | Victims' Appeals (Serious Crimes) |
候保室 | Holding Room |
時效 | Statue of limitations |
書面陳情 | Statement in Writing |
書記官 | Clerk |
起訴 | Indictment |
送達 | Service |
假釋 | Parole |
偵查 | Investigation |
偵查庭 | Investigation Room |
勘驗 | Inspections |
執行 | Execution |
執行科 | Enforcement Section |
採尿室 | Urine Collection Office |
第一審 | The first instance |
第二審 | Second instance |
第三審 | Third instance |
累犯 | Recidivism |
被告之訊問 | Examination of accused |
被告之傳訊及拘提 | Sumnmons and arrest of accused |
被告之羈押 | Detention of accused |
被詢問人於「錄音中」顯示器未顯示前得不回答各詢問 | If recording equipment is off, you have the right not to answer any questions |
責付 | Custody Certificate |
通則 | General provisions |
通譯 | Interpreter |
發還保證金 | Bail Refunds |
裁判 | Decisions |
訴訟輔導 | Litigation Assistance |
搜索及扣押 | Search and seizure |
新聞採訪室 | Press Room |
電子郵件陳情 | Statement by Email |
電話陳情 | Statement by Telephone |
監護人 | Legal Guardian |
審判 | Trial |
數罪併罰 | Combined punishment for several offenses |
緩刑 | Suspension of punishment |
談話室 | Conversation Room |
調查員 | Investigator |
親自陳情 | Statement in Person |
親屬 | Relatives |
錄事 | Clerk Assistant |
檢察事務官 | Administrative Prosecutor |
檢察官 | Prosecutor |
檢驗員 | Forensic Investigator |
總則 | General provisions |
簡易程序 | Summary procedure |
證據 | Evidence |
警員 | Police Officer |
辯護人、輔佐人及代理人 | Defense attorneys, assistants, and agents |
鑑定及通譯 | Expert witnesses and interpreters |
羈押被告候訊室 | Interrogation waiting Room |
觀護人 | Probation Officer |